
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Anderson Sandro da Rocha” ,找到相关结果约70601条。
Morfopedologia e fragilidade ambiental nos setores de fundos de vale da área periurbana da cidade de Marechal Candido Rondon - Paraná / Morphopedology and environmental fragility in the valley bottom in the periurban area of Marechal Candido Rondon city
Anderson Sandro da Rocha,Maicol Rafael Bade,José Edézio Da Cunha
Ambiência , 2012,
Abstract: A presente pesquisa, desenvolvida na área periurbana da cidade de Marechal Candido Rondon, regi o oeste do estado do Paraná, busca compreender e analisar a condi o morfopedológica e a fragilidade ambiental dos fundos de vale do ter o superior da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Guavirá. Com base nos preceitos teóricos e metodológicos da análise estrutural da cobertura pedológica e da análise das fragilidades potencial e emergente, foram desenvolvidos trabalhos de gabinete (elabora o de cartas de uso do solo, declividade, solo e fragilidade); campo (levantamento topográfico e pedológico) e laboratório (análises físicas e químicas). Os resultados de tais procedimentos permitiram compreender a intera o dos elementos naturais e antrópicos que comp em a estrutura geoecológica da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Guavirá, a partir dos quais foi possível identificar as fragilidades potenciais e emergentes dos setores de fundos de vale, particularmente subsidiadas pelo conhecimento da organiza o e distribui o dos solos.
A integralidade numa rede de prote??o social ao adolescente: uma reflex?o a partir do pensamento de Giles Lipovetsky
Vieira, Sandro da Rocha;Rosenburg, Cornélio Pedroso;
Saúde e Sociedade , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-12902010000100010
Abstract: the purpose of this article is to present a discussion about integrality as a paradigm, an idea/reference in the field of knowledge of public health. for that we introduce the empiric exploration of discursive elements collected in a social protection network targeted at adolescents. these elements represent an important part of the health agents' practice. the experiences collected in the field from the actions of the articulators of the municipal policy of child and adolescent care, in the city of suzano, state of s?o paulo, were analyzed from giles lipovetsky's point of view. this analysis situated integrality as an idea/reference proposed by the knowledge field of public health, which questions and provokes changes in the medical and health practices inserted in contemporary society - above all, in psychosocial assistance.
Contexto e desenvolvimento cognitivo: freqüência à creche e evolu??o do desenvolvimento mental
Lordelo, Eulina da Rocha;Chalhub, Anderson Almeida;Guirra, Raquel Cardoso;Carvalho, Cláudio Seal;
Psicologia: Reflex?o e Crítica , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-79722007000200019
Abstract: this study aimed to assess effects of the day care center experience on the cognitive development of pre-school children. two groups of children, 18 from day care centers and 19 who were cared for at their homes were studied, including their mothers, took part in this study. both groups had equivalent socioeconomic status and lived in a very poor neighborhood. bayley scales or wppsi-r scale (according to age) were used four times in a 26 month period; as an auxiliary research instrument, the mothers were interviewed for providing a child assessment from their own point of view. the results show that family income and, to some extent, the mother's school level affected cognitive development. attendance to a day care center did not produce significant differences in cognitive development; maternal assessments suggested some differences between groups in the first evaluation, which disappeared, most of them, in the last one. these results are compatible partially with international literature and their implications are discussed.
Determina??o de fósforo organico em águas de produ??o petrolífera por ICP- AES e ICP- MS após pré-concentra??o em coluna de sílica-C18
Rocha, Anderson Araújo;Miekeley, Norbert;Silveira, Carmem Lúcia Porto da;Bezerra, Maria Carmem Moreira;
Química Nova , 1998, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-40421998000500010
Abstract: results on the optimization of analytical methods for the determination of phosphorus in phosphino-polycarboxylate (ppca), used frequently as scale inhibitor during oil production, by icp-aes and icp-ms are presented. due to the complex matrix of production waters (brines) and their high concentration in inorganic phosphorus, the separation of organic phosphorus prior to its determination is necessary. in this work, minicolumns of silica immobilized c18 were used. optimization of the separation step resulted in the following working conditions: (1) prewashing of the column with methanol (80% v/v); (2) use of a flow rate of 5 ml/min and 10 ml/min, respectively, for the preconditioning step and for percolation of the water sample; (3) final elution of organic phosphorus with 7 ml of buffer of h3bo3/naoh (0.05 m, ph 9) with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. sample detection limits (3s) for different combinations of nebulizers and spectrometric methods, based on 10 ml water aliquots, are: icp-aes -cross flow (47 mg/l) and ultrasonic (18 mg/l); icp-ms -cross flow (1.2 mg/l), cyclonic (0.7 mg/l) and ultrasonic (0.5 mg/l). typical recoveries of organic phosphorus are between 90 and 95% and the repeatability of the whole procedure is better than 10%. the developed methodology was applied successfully to samples from the oil-well na 46, platform pna 2, campos basin, brazil. assessment of the ppca inhibitor was possible at lower concentrations than achieved by current analytical methods, resulting in benefits such as reduced cost of chemicals, postponed oil production and lower environmental impacts.
Confiabilidade estrutural utilizando o método de Monte Carlo e redes neurais
Barbosa, Anderson Henrique;Freitas, Marcílio Sousa da Rocha;Neves, Francisco de Assis das;
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0370-44672005000300011
Abstract: structural reliability analysis due to the great number of random variables or large number of simulations needed may result in a high computational cost. two techniques largely used for structural reliability assess are monte carlo simulation and the analytic methods form/sorm. these may present some inaccuracy in the assessment of the probability of failure. the monte carlo method is easy to implement and absolutely general, but the great number of required simulations may result in high computational cost making the application impracticable. this work used a trained neural network to substitute the structural analysis needed for each monte carlo simulation, in order to reduce the computational cost. the applications produced good results with low computational cost, certifying its application viability.
Context and cognitive development: attendance to day care center and evolution of mental development / Contexto e desenvolvimento cognitivo: freqüência à creche e evolu o do desenvolvimento mental
Eulina da Rocha Lordelo,Anderson Almeida Chalhub,Raquel Cardoso Guirra; Cláudio Seal Carvalho
Psicologia: Reflex?o e Crítica , 2007,
Abstract: This study aimed to assess effects of the day care center experience on the cognitive development of pre-school children. Two groups of children, 18 from day care centers and 19 who were cared for at their homes were studied, including their mothers, took part in this study. Both groups had equivalent socioeconomic status and lived in a very poor neighborhood. Bayley Scales or WPPSI-R Scale (according to age) were used four times in a 26 month period; as an auxiliary research instrument, the mothers were interviewed for providing a child assessment from their own point of view. The results show that family income and, to some extent, the mother's school level affected cognitive development. Attendance to a day care center did not produce significant differences in cognitive development; maternal assessments suggested some differences between groups in the first evaluation, which disappeared, most of them, in the last one. These results are compatible partially with international literature and their implications are discussed.
Determina o de fósforo organico em águas de produ o petrolífera por ICP- AES e ICP- MS após pré-concentra o em coluna de sílica-C18
Rocha Anderson Araújo,Miekeley Norbert,Silveira Carmem Lúcia Porto da,Bezerra Maria Carmem Moreira
Química Nova , 1998,
Abstract: Results on the optimization of analytical methods for the determination of phosphorus in phosphino-polycarboxylate (PPCA), used frequently as scale inhibitor during oil production, by ICP-AES and ICP-MS are presented. Due to the complex matrix of production waters (brines) and their high concentration in inorganic phosphorus, the separation of organic phosphorus prior to its determination is necessary. In this work, minicolumns of silica immobilized C18 were used. Optimization of the separation step resulted in the following working conditions: (1) prewashing of the column with methanol (80% v/v); (2) use of a flow rate of 5 mL/min and 10 mL/min, respectively, for the preconditioning step and for percolation of the water sample; (3) final elution of organic phosphorus with 7 mL of buffer of H3BO3/NaOH (0.05 M, pH 9) with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Sample detection limits (3s) for different combinations of nebulizers and spectrometric methods, based on 10 mL water aliquots, are: ICP-AES -Cross flow (47 mg/L) and Ultrasonic (18 mug/L); ICP-MS -Cross flow (1.2 mug/L), Cyclonic (0.7 mug/L) and Ultrasonic (0.5 mug/L). Typical recoveries of organic phosphorus are between 90 and 95% and the repeatability of the whole procedure is better than 10%. The developed methodology was applied successfully to samples from the oil-well NA 46, platform PNA 2, Campos basin, Brazil. Assessment of the PPCA inhibitor was possible at lower concentrations than achieved by current analytical methods, resulting in benefits such as reduced cost of chemicals, postponed oil production and lower environmental impacts.
Mineral scale deposition in surfaces: Problems and opportunities in the oil industry [Deposi o Mineral em Superfícies: Problemas e Oportunidades na Indústria do Petróleo]
Marcelo I. P. Reis,Fernando de C. da Silva,Gilberto A. Romeiro,Anderson A. Rocha
Revista Virtual de Química , 2011,
Abstract: The deposition or mineral scaling on surfaces is caused by the accumulation of inorganic salts. When it occurs in oil and gas production equipment, it causes major operational problems and severe damage to the pipes. Besides oil wells at sea, this phenomenon also occurs on the surface of membranes used in filtration, treatment and sulphate removal of sea water. Its origins lie in the incompatibility between the chemical composition of the formation and injection water or in the thermodynamic changes of system. These of the disadvantage can be prevented by the use of chemicals that act as scale inhibitors. This article discusses the origin of scale and its implications, and addresses the chemical classes, natural and synthetic, which are used as anti-fouling, as well as promising substances for this purpose.
Posi??o da semente na semeadura e tipo de substrato sobre a emergência e crescimento de plantulas de Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) S.F. Blake
Anderson da Silva Borges,Cibele Chalita Martins,Maria Renata Rocha Pereira,Maria Teresa Gomes Lopes
- , 2012, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050987565
Abstract: http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050987565 A germina??o rápida e uniforme das sementes, seguida por pronta emergência das plantulas s?o características altamente desejáveis na forma??o de mudas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a posi??o da semente na semeadura e o substrato mais adequado ao processo de germina??o e crescimento de plantulas de Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) S.F. Blake. As sementes foram colocadas para germinar nas seguintes posi??es em rela??o ao fundo do sulco no substrato: semente com o hilo voltado para cima, com o hilo voltado para baixo, apoiada sobre uma das faces, semente de lado sobre a espessura e faces paralelas às paredes do saquinho. Os substratos utilizados foram: substrato comercial Plantmax? (testemunha), serragem de pinus e areia. Os tratamentos foram dispostos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4x3 (posi??es da semente x substrato) com quatro repeti??es de 20 sementes. Os parametros avaliados foram porcentagem de emergência, morte de plantulas após a emergência, primeira contagem, índice de velocidade de emergência e comprimento da parte aérea das plantulas. Conclui-se que todas as posi??es de semeadura adotadas em substrato serragem de pinus oferecem as condi??es mais adequadas ao processo de germina??o e crescimento de plantulas de Schizolobium parahyba
Fratura de estresse e a medicina nuclear
Kempfer, Gérson Luís;Figueiredo, Andrea Bruno;Macedo, Sandro Tadeu;Rocha, Antonio Fernando Gon?alves da;
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-86922004000600010
Abstract: the authors present a case of stress fracture detected by nuclear medicine and describe a brief literature review of the methods of image in the diagnosis and pursuing of this pathology.

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